Asipulo town of Ifugao has own RH Ordinance

Posted on | Tuesday 24 May 2011 | No Comments

by Dan B. Codamon

ASIPULO, Ifugao - You’ve got to hand it to the Ifugaons to rise above issues and squabbles. While debates on the controversial reproductive health bill have been raging in the country, this young town of Ifugao is happily implementing its own Reproductive Health and Responsible Parenthood Ordinance.

Passed and approved in 2007, the local officials deemed the ordinance necessary, as it is responsive to the needs of the modern family and community setting in order to achieve sustainable development.
Mayor Eladio Bang-ud said the ordinance is an integrated and comprehensive reproductive health care and responsible parenthood focused on the time-honored value of respect for human dignity, people’s rights, and their families.

It is founded on the principle upholding the right of every person including the right to equality and equity, the right to development, right to reproductive health, right to education, and the right to choose and make independent decisions on the number, spacing, and timing of their children in accordance with one’s religious convictions, cultural beliefs, and demands of responsible parenthood, Bang-ud added.

Among the specific objectives that the Ordinance seek to address are the provision of maternal, pre-natal, infant and children nutrition and health care, family planning information and services, prevention of abortion among women of reproductive ages, and management of complications related to it, provide for the elimination of violence against women, provide for male involvement in reproductive health, prevention and management of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmittable infectious diseases and education and counseling on sexuality and sexual health.

To ensure the effective implementation of the local law, a Reproductive Health and Responsible Parenthood Council was created. Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) and Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS) were also tapped to assist in the provision of reproductive health information and organize responsible parenthood classes and special counseling sessions. *(JDP/DBC-PIA CAR, Ifugao)


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